7 Reasons Why We’re Excited About Hello, Superstar!


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Stephanie H.

Stephanie H.

Join us for the Spring 2024 Season!

Join us as we enter an exciting new chapter for Girls on the Run! This spring, we are thrilled to launch an enhanced version of our powerful evidence-based program. The needs of today’s girls have changed, and our refreshed data-informed lessons on important topics meet this reality accordingly.

Teaching critical life skills is the cornerstone of our research-based programs. Through dedicated volunteer coaches, girls engage in activities that strengthen confidence, build self-worth, and help them to develop abilities, and connections to build healthy physical and mental habits that last long beyond the program. Our Spring season teams will meet 2x per week for 8 weeks beginning the week of February 26th.

Each season comes to an end with a celebratory 5K. This closing event gives program participants of all abilities a tangible sense of accomplishment. Crossing the finish line instills confidence through completion and is a joyful moment program participants always remember!

Every Girls on the Run season, volunteer coaches foster empathy and acceptance by empowering participants to build strong connections with one another, regardless of their backgrounds, abilities, or beliefs. Throughout the program, girls learn to appreciate the beauty of diversity and grow into compassionate, and understanding, individuals. You do not need to be a runner to be a coach, you simply need to have a desire to support and encourage the next generation.

GOTR provides all the tools, training, and support to make the season memorable and inspiring for coaches, and the girls that we serve.  We would welcome the opportunity to visit further with your schools, churches and community centers about how they can get involved and register their girls for an unforgettable season.

Important Dates:

Coach signups: Registration and more info can be found here: https://www.girlsontherunks.org/coach. The deadline to register is February 16th!

Girl registration 3rd-8th grade (Opens January 8th at 8:00AM)- Check out locations here: https://www.girlsontherunks.org/locations


We are committed to ensuring access for all participants, regardless of their financial situation. All families can apply for financial aid during the online registration process. Fees range from $25-$160. If your family qualifies for free lunch your fee is $25 and reduced lunch is $35 and all others are based on household size and income.


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About Council

We inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running. Non-profit girl empowerment after-school program for girls.

Girls on the Run International Post